Friday 3 August 2012

Alliance Francais Blog

If you enjoy blogs then this one sponsored by the AllianceFrançais is one Ive become obsessed with recently. One could say it’s a Francophiles delight!!! The blog itself is contributed by the Alliance Français staff, students, teachers and their members. There are movie reviews, discussions about art, music and culture in general, and posts about the joys of travelling and living in France. There are posts of local interest, but theres also posts that would interest readers no matter what country they reside in. One of my favourite posts is this one:

"Too Little, Too Late

by Guest on Jul 8, 2011 • 2,765 views 12 Comments
Why knowing just a little bit of French can spell big trouble
Had I seen this picture back in 1987, I would not have learned the hard way that knowing a little bit of a language can be a dangerous thing. It was that summer when my husband (still just my boyfriend) and I took what turned out to be a glorious vacation, a week of cycling in the Loire Valley. I was conjuring up my high school French, even then a distant memory, and he was relying on me to do the talking. And actually, I wasn’t doing half bad. We figured out how to get our bikes from Orly to Paris and then on to Angers by train, found charming hotel rooms and delicious meals in one town after another, and enjoyed the chateaux and sunflowers along the route.One night in Orléans, tired after a day of riding, I spotted cervelle d’agneau on the menu.
“Great!” I thought. “Agneau is lamb and I love lamb!”
But when my meal arrived, it wasn’t a lamb chop. It wasn’t even a slice of mutton. It was unmistakably a lamb’s brain, albeit swimming in butter. So I did what any hungry cyclist would do. I ate it. I’ve never forgotten the word cervelle. (And I’ve never ordered it again either.)
By Anne Schwartz"

LOLLLLL! I really hope this never happens to me. Luckily I have a boyfriend who Im sure will bloody well tell me if Im eating brains or not! Sheesh! So if you have time check this blog out.

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