Saturday 28 July 2012

Fashion Is My Passion

For fear of sounding like a walking cliché I’m going to put it out there. And I don’t mean just shopping and looking at all the pretty dresses, although I do get an incredible feeling of satisfaction from a good dose of retail therapy. I mean studying, researching, drawing, creating, learning new techniques and discovering new fabrics. I was distracted for a number of years and only just realised how easy it is to become caught up in life’s little traps and become ‘a slave to the meagre wage’ - it’s much more easily done then said. However I have an amazing family, for every ounce of doubt I have they take away two.  And the combination of being surrounded by my encouraging family and a supporting boyfriend, I can feel the heady rush of excitement designing gives me coming back into my life.
My eyes feel like they’re going cross eyed from all the reading and researching I’ve been doing for my visa and my French classes so I decided to take a break and research fashion design schools in France. I’m not going to register or enrol at any of the schools at the moment because I’m planning to work and discover France with mon corpain in the first year I’m there, so obviously the biggest dot point on my bucket list is to find a job. I would love to jump straight into an internship with a French designer or fashion house! But that small dream of mine is but a dream and my heart won’t shatter if I’m not immediately able to find it.

I believe all things in life happen for a reason, having said that, I also believe where there’s a will, there’s a way. And with a little faith and patience I’m sure I’ll reach my ultimate goal, however, at the moment I can focus on learning this beautiful language, culture and staying in blissful happiness with my love.

But maybe, in a year or so depending where my life takes me, Ill fulfil these goals and be able to attend a school in France. If my dream became a reality these would be my top three picks.  

I wish my wants were on par with my budget.

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